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夏洛的网(Charlotte's Web)(14)

XII. A Meeting

  One evening, a few days after the writing had appeared in Charlotte's web, the spider called a meeting of all the animals in the barn cellar.
  "I shall begin by calling the roll. Wilbur?"
  "Here!" said the pig.
  "Here, here, here!" said the gander.
  "You sound like three ganders," muttered Charlotte. "Why can't you just say 'here'? Why do you have to repeat everything?"
  "It's my idio-idio-idiosyncrasy," replied the gander.
  "Goose?" said Charlotte.
  "Here, here, here!" said the goose. Charlotte glared at her.
  "Goslings, one through seven?"
  "Bee-bee-bee!" "Bee-bee-bee!" "Bee-bee-bee!" "Bee-bee-bee!" "Bee-bee-bee!" "Bee-bee-bee!" "Bee-bee-bee!" said the goslings.
  "This is getting to be quite a meeting," said Charlotte. "Any body would think we had three ganders, three geese, and twenty-one goslings. Sheep?"
  "He-aa-aa!" answered the sheep all together.
  "He-aa-aa!" answered the lambs all together.
  No answer.
  No answer.
  "Well, we are all here except the rat," said Charlotte. "I guess we can proceed without him. Now, all of you must have noticed what's been going on around here the last few days. The message I wrote in my web, praising Wilbur, has been received. The Zuckermans have fallen for it, and so has everybody else. Zuckerman thinks Wilbur is an unusual pig, and therefore he won't want to kill him and eat him. I dare say my trick will work and Wilbur's life can be saved.
  "Hurray!" cried everybody.
  "Thank you very much," said Charlotte. "Now I called this meeting in order to get suggestions. I need new ideas for the web. People are already getting sick of reading the words 'Some Pig!' If anybody can think of another message, or remark, I'll be glad to weave it into the web. Any suggestions for a new slogan?"

  "How about 'Pig Supreme'?" asked one of the lambs.
  "No good," said Charlotte. "It sounds like a rich dessert."
  "How about 'Terrific, terrific, terrific'?" asked the goose.
  "Cut that down to one 'terrific' and it will do very nicely," said Charlotte. "I think 'terrific' might impress Zuckerman."
  "But Charlotte," said Wilbur, "I'm not terrific."
  "that doesn't make a particle of difference," replied Charlotte. "Not a particle. People believe almost anything they see in print. Does anybody here know how to spell 'terrific'?"
  "I think," said the gander," it's tee double ee double rr double rr double eye double ff double eye double see see see see see."
  "What kind of an acrobat do you think I am?" said Charlotte in disgust. "I would have to have St. Vitus's Dance to weave a word like that into my web."
  "Sorry, sorry, sorry," said the gander.
  Then the oldest sheep spoke up. "I agree that there should be something new written in the web if Wilbur's life is to be saved. And if Charlotte needs help in finding words, I think she can get it from our friend Templeton. The rat visits the dump regularly and has access to old magazines. He can tear out bits of advertisements and bring them up here to the barn cellar, so that Charlotte can have something to copy."
  "Good idea," said Charlotte. "But I'm not sure Templeton will be willing to help. You know how he is--always looking out for himself, never thinking of the other fellow."
  "I be I can get him to help," said the old sheep. "I'll appeal to his baser instincts, of which he has plenty. Here he comes now. Everybody keep quiet while I put the matter up to him!"
  The rat entered the barn the way he always did--creeping along close to the wall.
  "What's up?" he asked, seeing the animals assembled.
  "We're holding a directors' meeting," replied the old sheep.
  "Well, break it up!" said Templeton. "Meetings bore me." And the rat began to climb a rope that hung against the wall.
  "Look," said the old sheep, "next time you go to the dump, Templeton, bring back a clipping from a magazine. Charlotte needs new ideas so she can write messages in her web and save Wilbur's life."
  "Let him die," said the rat. "I should worry."
  "You'll worry all right when next winter comes," said the sheep. "You'll worry all right on a zero morning next January when Wilbur is dead and nobody comes down here with a nice pail of warm slops to pour into the trough. Wilbur's leftover food is your chief source of supply, Templeton. You know that. Wilbur's food is your food; therefore Wilbur's destiny and you destiny are closely linked. If Wilbur is killed and his trough stands empty day after day, you'll grow so thin we can look right through your stomach and see objects on the other side."
  Templeton's whiskers quivered.
  "Maybe you're right," he said gruffly. "I'm making a trip to the dump tomorrow afternoon. I'll bring back a magazine clipping if I can find one."
  "Thanks," said Charlotte. "The meeting is now adjourned. I have a busy evening ahead of me. I've got to tear my web apart and write 'Terrific.'"
  Wilbur blushed. "But I'm not terrific, Charlotte. I'm just about average for a pig."
  "You're terrific as far as I'm concerned," replied Charlotte, sweetly, "and that's what counts. You're my best friend, and I think you're sensational. Now stop arguing and go get some sleep!"

评论 (7)









8月14日,收到朋友自国外寄来的几本书。其一为《夏洛的网》(Charlotte's Web),1999年全彩版(Full Color Editon),给插图涂色的不是原绘者Garth Williams先生,而是“迷迭香女士”——Rosemary Wells。





彩色版扉页上的书名设计还同黑白版一样,但“Charlotte's Web”及悬在字母“C”下的夏洛变成了暗蓝色,这却不对头:夏洛明明是灰色的!(见原文第37页:a large grey spider)

现在比较一下两种插图。除扉页题图、封面画外,Garth Williams共为《夏洛的网》创作了46幅黑白插图(有几幅是连页式的)。
有朋友曾说我统计的数字少,当时,我以为彩色版的插图更多,或者由绘者另外绘制了一些,得到这本彩色版后才知道,插图还是46幅,我没统计错,而且,这些插图还是Garth Williams以前绘制的黑白画,只不过Rosemary Wells在得到原绘者授权后,重新将它们涂了色而已。


在彩色版的封三,新增了一段对涂色者Rosemary Wells女士的介绍。从中可知,Rosemary Wells曾是近八十种图书的作者和插图者。她认为,在现代技术的帮助下,凭着一个简单的、适合故事情调的“调色板”(a very simple palette befitting the story's setting),就能够给这些黑白插图变成彩色。我想,她指的这种“调色板”(palette),大概是Photoshop之类的绘图软件中独有的那一种。“Wells女士希望”,那段介绍的最后一句说,“她的努力能够使Garth Williams感到满意。”
Garth Williams的感觉如何,我们当然不得而知。作为一个中国读者,我对其中的这32幅彩图感到比较满意:






如果可能,出一种“Super Charlotte”——

“Super Charlotte”,目前还找不到,至少在国内如此。



13:24 04-9-6肖毛








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此 Blog 的前一篇日记是 可惜了姚明的胡子

此 Blog 的后一篇日记是 记录如纸——被隔离的金牌

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